Monday 29 July 2013

Is Love Really Blind?

Is Love Really Blind?

You feel that you’re on top of the world. You seem to feel happy all day long. Everything seems to be a little brighter than usual. And most especially, you can’t wait to see that one special person.

Your friend and family tell you that he is no good for you. But you don’t believe them. You think they just don’t want you to be happy.

Yes, it seems that love is blind. You fall in love and think that the object of your love is the perfect one for you. Every word he says seems to be so sweet in your ear. In your eyes, his face shines brighter and brighter as the days go by. He becomes more handsome little by little every day.

You just can’t see anything wrong in him. I guess the beauty of falling in love is that you think that you have found the perfect one for you.

The only serious problem is if you found a toad instead of a prince by the time the novelty of falling in love wears off. I only hope that you see the person for who he truly is before you make any major error and be one of those who unwittingly land themselves in toxic relationships.

Yes, falling in love is a great feeling. But remember to slow down a bit and try to open your eyes and mind to what really is. Are you seeing him as the person whom you want him to be or are you seeing him for the person he truly is?